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8 Reasons to Upgrade to Sage X3 Version 12

The latest version of Sage X3 offers new enhancements, capabilities and services to grow your business.


What’s new?

Open architecture 
Sage X3 Version 12 offers a scalable, performant API framework using the open-source technology GraphQL. This query language enables powerful developer tools, so your ecosystem can quickly develop and deliver new capabilities that fit your needs.

GraphQL, what do you need to know?
GraphQL was created by Facebook engineers who set out to define a way to request all the data needed to render a screen in one shot. The result was a new query language and specification called GraphQL. It lets apps – like the ones on your phone or your web browser – ask for exactly the data they need and receive it all in a single request, so things like your news feed show up fast.
Facebook open-sourced GraphQL in 2015, and the GraphQL ecosystem has exploded in innovation and found many uses throughout the industry.

End of maintenance for versions 5-9
Sage X3 Version 9 and below will come to the end of their lifeline support at the end of June 2021.
Now is the time to plan your upgrade path and take advantage of the many structural and functional benefits of Sage X3 Version 12.

Delta and cumulative patches
From Version 12 onwards you are no longer required to load each successive patch.
Load only the ones you choose or select the specific functionality that suits your company.

Superior usability and true mobility
The new responsive user experience means that Version 12 is now available to use on any browser and any device, including smartphone and tablet, making it more versatile than ever.


Sage X3 V12 upgrade at Sherwood International

“There was not much training needed as V12 is user friendly and one can navigate around very easily. With V12 it is fantastic that one can go straight from the account balance enquiry to the journal module to update, and before journal posting. Working on V12 is such a pleasure.”

– D. Butler, Accountant at Sherwood International


Sage X3 Version 12 Highlights

Global Compliance
Version 12 will support updated and new compliance requirements in multiple geographies.In South Africa, an entire VAT Engine will be a standard with this latest version.
New tooling and documentation will help you to report on GDPR compliance.

Production Management
The new version will make it easier to identify dependencies between work orders and raw material availability. It will also be easier to manage non-conformance and add steps to change/rectify processes.

Project Management
Optimised planning, including a real-time project snapshot for better control of project profitability.

Updates to key day-to-day operations, including an improved ability to run advanced bank statement imports for reconciliation, automated journal creation and enhanced traceability.








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